Neural Engine (ACTIVE)
I put the other newsletters on hiatus because I wanted to get back into reading and writing more long form works and essays. I publish several times a year based on what I’ve been reading and thinking about. Read more.
Knowledge Box (HIATUS)
Need some positivity? I run a mindful weekly newsletter called “Knowledge Box.” I send out an email brimming with warmth usually at the beginning of the week. Read more.
The MKSTN Newsletter (HIATUS)
The future hasn’t been built yet. In the complicated field of healthcare, life saving tech and other advances in understanding are made every day. Books, podcasts, interviews and resources can be overwhelming. MKSTN is a comprehensive yet accessible glimpse at the present state of healthcare and its future. Read more.
Free subscription to MKSTN includes first look at episodes of Medtelkasten, a podcast serving as a resource for people interested in and looking for guidance with healthcare careers. Casual, informational, and empowering.